Rural Development project - latest

#socialinclusionassociationsocialSocialInclusionAssociation participants joined the Training Activity week from 24th-30th of January 2022 in Reggio Calabria in Italy under the #RDE project KA2 .
During the training activity all the group explored concrete ways and business ideas on Cultural Heritage - Hospitality & Tourism - New industries - Entertainment - Agribusinesses.
Also, they had the chance to visit BIORISI-Spirulina Fox where the initiators and researchers behind this project shared with us how spirulina can be a great ally in our fight against micro plastic and why it is considered a super-food.
The countries that participated where Belgium, Portugal, Romania, and Greece prototyped a collection of experiences and start-up ideas for their local communities. Of course the visit to Riace village was one of the favorites that added value to this training activity.Thank you all for your active participation!
#AlphabetFormationABFItakaTraining, #SocialInclusion Association, #AssociaçãoEmpresarialde#socialinclusionassociationsocialL'alqueria Projectes Educatius #Monomythsassociation


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